Sign Up to Become a Member of the Western Yacht Club of Ireland
What are the benefits of membership?
- The Club organises a number of races which are suitable for all category of sailor, from the very competitive spinnaker classes to the sailors who prefer to go with white sails only. There will be a series of informal races mid-week during May/June. The prestigious Glynn Castle race will take place in August and the hugely popular October series runs over four weekends that month. Skippers are always looking for additional crew for these races.
- There will be four or five organised Cruise in Company events during the season starting with a cruise to Limerick for two nights to coincide with RiverFest. These are very popular, with the emphasis on the social side of sailing.
- There is a very active Dinghy Sailing which operates on Wednesday evenings during the Summer. The Club has a wide range of dinghies which it can make available to sailors for training. The Club is now an Irish Sailing accredited training centre and based on demand, courses will be run where trainees can get an officially recognized qualification. We have recently acquired our own Clubhouse where theory sessions can be conducted indoors. The boatyard for storage of dinghies has also been upgraded and made more secure. The Club owns a number of Wayfarer dinghies which can be rented by more experienced sailors.
- A number of social events will be organised throughout the season.
- Number of Local Businesses have offered exclusive discounts for all RWYCI Members
- If you are a skipper, crew or just interested in doing some casual sailing, please consider joining up. You won’t regret it!
- Family Membership - includes children under 18 years - €150.00
- Ordinary Membership - one adult membership - €100.00
- Junior Membership - one junior under 18 years - €50
- Student Membership - one student over 18 years in full time education - €50.00
- Associate Membership - member of another Irish Sailing Category 1 Club - €60.00